Thursday, September 30, 2010

middle eastern cultural info.

related ideas

this is a magazine that is celebrating middle eastern culture....

The idea of connectedness.  Using 5 different "lifelines" ( 5 different people... their lives where they intersect... )

the idea of what is input into connection and what the output is.  The output of connecting cultures could output discussion and less divisiveness. 

data and connection

how to visually show connectedness. beautiful and simple.  Using type and image to really bring 
 two separate images together.

more connectedness... this works with patterns and how we connect ideas but also patterns of behaviour. 

a lot of the middle east has VARIETY.  There are so many of one thing. one this has sevral brands .. fabrics of several colors.  This could be something tht is paralleled... but their variety is so different than the variety that we have because of the human connection that occurs in between the product and choosing.  

what institute cultural richness.?
  A beauty in the traditional and history. 

more physical connections

seed packets... cultivating culture... will have more on this idea later.

variety of herbs... open market.... PEOPLE CONNECTIONS

linear connection


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

interesting ideas

book done by the guys at ikea visually showing what ingredients are used for a cookbook.  Very visually appealing




these are the countries that are considered to be the middle east.  

this is a site that is promote intercultural understanding and exposure to other cultures though this program 

a sustainable program that allows travelers to partake in gardening in different countries in exchange for room and board.  

essays related to culture and the ability to communicate between cultures through business and other avenues. 

travel guide online. 

textbook info on middle east. 

website that promotes cultural understanding in places of strife, such as israeli/ Palestinian conflict.  brings people together that would normally be at odds. 

marijan Satrapi's book is a graphic novel about an her going through the the iranian revolution.  It is very informational yet so entertaining.

who is my audience. 

geocashing.... working with the idea of cultural tourism. Allowing people to tour their own city and get a taste of another culture.