Wednesday, October 13, 2010


maybe write in the format of a diary where you feel like you are getting the details from a secret source...

the middle east for dummies... maybe doing an instruction guide about the middle east and how to interact with the culture/ find the culture in your own area. 

Website... going from the general to the specific about a country and a people in the general middle east... concept is brainstorming... constantly getting new sources and new exposure...

magazine idea... but these are just spreads what is the concept?


Concept for the magazine... seeing behind closed doors.... a view from inside the doors...

potential sections for a magazine... similar to "wired" sections..

this of quilting... maybe using this idea to pass on ideas... and concept is the generational passing of ideas through a traditional practice... 

Working with diminishing borders between women.  Perhaps, creating a network where women around the world can get to know other cultures and feel comfortable... 

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