Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Okay, so now I have narrowed down my 3 concepts ( mashrabiyya, quilting and Pen pal)  to one concept : Pen pal.  Now i have to come up with the layout of the book.  The only thing is that i do not have the content, so i am not sure where this book is going as far as the connections between the letter. How do i draw connections between the letter to really work with the idea of pen paling?  

maybe by having pages that elude to the connecting ideas... for example... drawing an image of something that represents the concept of "pen pal".  Then incorporating phrases words and images that seem to be a trend within the letters.  Each one maybe will connect you back to the page the letter is on.  

Or perhaps there are transparent pages that go in between the letters that state those phrases.  
going to mock some of these up and see what they look like. 

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